The Sisters group known as “Sodari Samajam”, plays an important part in the church to come together to pray, learn and to be encouraged with an outward focus to reach women and young girls in the community for Jesus. The Lord has put His love in our hearts which gives us the desire to see every woman grow in faith and in godliness and become builders of their own homes and thereby become part of builders of the Kingdom of God. Through this ministry, we wish to see that our sisters grow strong in faith with God; grow strong in the knowledge of the Word of God; grow strong in relationship within family and the community; and to become an example of simplicity and integrity of a true Christian.*In order to attain all these and more, our Sisters are regularly engaged with different development channels; such as Ladies conferences, prayer meetings, women’s events, night vigils etc. The overall aim is to make avail ourselves for God to work on our hearts and mould ourselves to set an example for other women in the community.


Sis. Annamma Thomas


Sis. Annamma Thomas

Sis. Sheila Thomas

Vice President

Sis. Sheila Thomas

Sis. SusanWilliams


Sis. SusanWilliams

Sis. Ruth Manoj

Joint Secretary

Sis. Ruth Manoj

Sis. Sherin Billy Abraham


Sis. Sherin Billy Abraham