Pentecostal Young Peoples’ Association (PYPA) is the youth wing of IPC, founded in 1947 by a few Pentecostal college students from U.C. College, Alwaye and Maharaja’s College, Trivandrum, Kerala. It was created for the development of social, mental, cultural and above all, spiritual development of Pentecostal youths. All born again youths can become members of this wing. Its motto is “SAVED TO SERVE” and its aim is evangelisation of the world. Jesus said, “Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, my servant also will be. My father will honor the one who serves me” (John 12:26). It is with this aim in mind that each member should serve the PYPA, using whatever talents God has given.


Pr. Soney Chacko


Pr. Soney Chacko

Pr. Sam Thomas

Vice President

Pr. Sam Thomas

Sis. Priscilla Johnson


Sis. Priscilla Johnson

Br. Tijo Thomas

Joint Secretary

Br. Tijo Thomas

Br.Blesson Babu (Cambridge)


Br.Blesson Babu (Cambridge)